1st step in building THE spaceship is Mission Briefing between Client and AlsterCrew over a cup or 2 of fresh AlsterSmoothie.
Once the mission details are clear we’ll put specifications on paper: sketch the spaceship, segment the parts, choose THE crew and technology & estimate time and cost of delivery.
p.s. This paper is a MUST and we all know why 😉
From the start to MVP until the end of our spaceship construction, we’ll have a bi-weekly roadmap to guide us & every 2nd week we’ll have a new feature release to be tested, approved & celebrated!
To improve the feature set, we’ll create user stories which are simple descriptions of features told from some user role following a simple template: As a < type of user >,
I want < some goal > so that < some reason >.
Our crew of “1px left/right” perfectionists will then design a killer spaceship beyond just look & feel, they will design the whole experience to run smoothly in all browsers & platforms and look even greater on Behance – showoffs!
Dev team will strike back with all tasks entered in Jira, pour several gallons of Pan Galactic Alster Blaster (aka coffee) and sprint until finish!
At the end of each sprint you will have a set of new features to test. We’ll make sure everything is working like clockwork, but if anyone proves us wrong, we’ll fix it asap!
Over the course of your spaceship building project we will document everything we do. For documentation purposes we will use Confluence which is IT industry most praised tool and we will share it with you, just like JIRA, from the get go. .
If you choose us to create your website, mobile or web application you can be confident that we will maintain it as flawlessly as we have developed it.
Build it and they will come sounds great, but unfortunately isn’t true. Once we launch the spaceship it’s all about choosing the right paths, channels and messages. It’s a science and an art, and just as we promised we have what it takes to help your mission succeed..
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Hi, there! Welcome to AlsterCloud! We are developers and designers who defy gravity of the status quo, we take risks, we push boundaries. We are in business of propelling incredible ideas to the online stratosphere and we don’t settle for less. This website is the proof! All our mobile apps, websites or web apps launch our clients’ lives and businesses into another dimension and that’s why we approach them as if we are building spaceships. Check out best web design companies.